Welcome to our School of Thought, a new window of wisdom, a journey to examine life and embark on the path to enlightenment.

Wisdom in the Woods is a postmodern, Transcendental School crafted with powerful hands-on tools for life, without the need for theorems, courses, or a traditional curriculum. It is entirely a practical institution founded on our core theme of Love and Live. Our philosophy emphasizes living in accordance with the dictates of your heart, following what you truly love. Thus, living life authentically is the primary focus of our school.

Drawing upon the most profound wisdom from ancient and modern schools of thought, Wisdom in the Woods has fashioned a comprehensive Transcendental School of Thought. By reshaping, redefining, and revaluing life, happiness, and meaning, we offer a fresh perspective on existence. With Authenticity, Aesthetics, and Art at its core, our school has formulated a series of doctrines and groundbreaking philosophical insights that:


there is no meaning of life unless one can bring authenticity, art and beauty in life.


life must be examined on every single day regardless of our busy routine lives.


out of nothingness, an individual still needs to design and shape his own story and give life a shot to take the higher road of life.


success, achievement, and social recognition-none of these can be a token to inner happiness.


nature is always the best guide of life and humankind needs ASAP to abstain themselves from being addicted on technology and devices.


there is no hard-coded morality and values, so an individual may write and create his own moral codes and live according to them as long as the codes don't hurt others.

Ready to start your examined and enlightened life?

Whether you have a precise understanding or not of what an examined life and enlightenment entail in reality, we have honed and refined a clear path that underscores the necessity of daily introspection. We believe that every individual, irrespective of their stereotypes, career, profession, or beliefs, should embark on an inner journey to discover their true self, talents, and happiness.

With this philosophy as our cornerstone, we have established a sturdy foundation for our school, delineating two distinct pathways to life. One road guides you on how to embrace each day to the fullest, while the other assists you in kindling your inner light.

Road 1: Examining Life Everyday

This is a short road to living a meaningful life experimenting and investigating every single day. You don’t have to be a great thinker or an academic to examine your life. Anybody can take the shot and pursue to an examined life just realizing three universal prerequisite codes: Authenticity, Aesthetics and Art(AAA).

Road 2 : Road To Enlightenment

This is a long road and higher journey to discover inner self. You don’t have to be a great monk or a saint to achieve Nirvana for life. Or you don’t have to live in the jungles or even in the forests depraving yourself from all the blessings of life and abandoning your sweet family forever. Our enlightenment path is a simple road. You just need to make FOUR STOPS to your entire journey while living your typical life with your family and enjoying all the beauties life has to offer.

Join our Soul Club, Morning Mystic, and receive the profound gift of a life-changing Mantra presented poetically every Friday.

Congratulations, human! You have successfully enrolled in our Hope Club.