We would never even ask this question if we never stood out outside the crowd. Trust us, we did something amazing for this human string. Only for Love and Peace, we went too far. We dug deeper and made innumerable canals for this human channel. We know the planet is now suffering from so many fevers. One type of fever is materialistic fever which is very dangerous fever and almost affects each and every single human being on this planet. This ailment robs our soul, inner peace, happiness and everything else life must offer as blessing. Another type of fever is political or war fever which is also a common disease in most parts of the world. Because of this fever, global harmony and peace is lost forever. Another widespread fever is religious fever which also causes us a lot of troubles. Thinking about all these global diseases, we have crafted a series of preventive programs to bring harmony and peace down this human ridge. Here are some of our major programs. Take a look:




All these movements and programs share a common goal: To propagate Love & Peace through lines and lyrics. This is the very essence of our existence.

But wait, there’s more. Up until now, we’ve only discussed our virtual endeavors. We have yet to unveil our tangible contributions to the earth and forests, which serve as our true essence and foundation.

When we declared our existence to plant poems, it was no empty promise. Indeed, we’ve sown countless verses into the soil and imbued the woods with abundant wisdom. Here are the principal landmarks that we’ve meticulously crafted with our own hands:

We’re nearing the end, yet we haven’t unveiled our Supreme Vision to you. As mentioned earlier, we envision a journey guided by wisdom akin to celestial wine, where poetry ignites our souls, and where art and beauty awaken our senses. Rooted in these human-centric values, our foremost aim is to establish a Human Park—a haven of enlightenment where each person can uncover the essence of their existence.

Now this is your call. If you want to support any of our causes, here are the ways you can help us:

Patron for Peace

Sponsor for peace

Give for a Flower

Shop Wisdom 

Join our Soul Club, Morning Mystic, and receive the profound gift of a life-changing Mantra presented poetically every Friday.

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