We hear you, O naughty clouds : A Wake-Up Poem by Somoy Shafi for Gaza and Palestine

We hear you, O naughty clouds!
We hear you, O naughty clouds!
We hear you!
You already have purchased the time
So we became corpses without any reason and rhymes
Hey siren, keep it playing
Devastation is joining
Sergeant death ranged the bell
We hear you, O deadliest hell!
Supreme master, we were already reduced to rubbles
How much more we need to be humble?-
Just let us know
Here the tide isn’t our favor
Serenity has anchored at other harbor
Our miseries have turned into great treasuries
Don’t call it the game of fictionary
Here we are in a great play
Here we are rusty and blunted blades
Deaths are manufactured here in industrial grade
Our skeletons aren’t worth it in political trade
Who else will buy this abandoned human gang?
We are rich with anguish and pangs
All our woes are wholesale
Our dead bodies can’t be retail
Our existence already shrank
Now wipe us out from this human bank
Rainfall of havocs
Debris down the docks
With the vapors of tears, our sky is clouded
Our sorrows stink
Day and night, we are taking shower with bloodsheds
We hear you, O devilish shade!
We hear you!
Our prayers never reach the higher sky and divine layers
May we ask-
Where is our boon?
Where is our boon?
Supreme master, we are about to disappear soon
To all western clouds, we’ll be known as goons
Efface all our stories from this historical gust
We have already transformed into the dust
We hear you, O naughty clouds!
We hear you!
-Somoy Shafi