We are guru of all sorrows: A touching poem about Gaza

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe

We're guru of all sorrows

We are guru of all sorrows


Across the valleys, what are those rallies?

Some hold peace cards

While others stage a live show of massacres

Precision killing day and night

Who won’t call this a mastery of genocide?

We are already in this game without any skills

Our only role is to mourn and groan while being killed

No light, camera and sounds

We are still playing good in this open ground

Who will beat us in shedding tears?

We are already Artist of angst

And Guru of all sorrows

Who will defeat us in torment and distress?

Our agony is a great grace

In the industry of suffering, we are already blessed

Our misery is a noble atom

In the land, we are cataclysm

And in heaven, we are a huge phantom

Who will supersede our woe and its algorithm?


-Somoy Shafi


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