Humanity’s fresh voice for peace
Welcome to our channel Voice for Peace, an altered poetry movement where we raise our voice against all social injustice, agonies and angsts, as well as political turmoil and conflicts. We’re a great breeze for love and peace. But we’re a threat for all brutality and bloodshed. Here in this channel, we’ll sing songs about life in peace tone, but we’ll lament for the death of each innocent soul. STAY TUNED.
Title: I’m a Peace Peddler
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: Give me a Piece of Peace
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: Now is the time of peace
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: I can’t afford this loss
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in all War Zones
Title: Dear God
Theme: Wall of Woe
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in all War Zones
Title: One day we will own the dawn
Theme: Wall of Woe
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in all War Zones
Title: Death is here an inch away
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: There is a sky over my head
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: I can’t sleep
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: O Sky, what happened to you?
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Dedication: Innocent Deaths in Gaza/Palestine
Title: Slow Down
Theme: Poetry for Peace
Title: Open the Gate
Theme: Divine Soup
Title: My sorrows aren’t scared
Theme: Wall of Woe
Dedication: Gaza/Palestine
Title: One day we’ll own the dawn
Theme: Wall of Woe
Dedication: Gaza/Palestine