A poetry place that talks about hope
Welcome to our hope channel There Is Still Hope, a poetry blog which talks about hope. We know life is absurd. The cosmos is full of distress and suffering. However, we believe despite all miseries and distress, there is still hope and grace. So, we designed this inspirational tool There Is Still Hope to sing some hope songs with poetry and rhythms.
My sorrows aren’t scared: A sad poem by Somoy Shafi
The universe never listens to me But the agony does Who shall I call my best friend? I can easily walk on fire But only struggle in the crowded jungles This...
O sky, what happened to you?: A sad poem by Somoy Shafi
Wound on the bodies of fairness Gangrene on the lips of elegance O sky, what happened to you? With the shift of this land, it seems you also changed your trend...
Sorrow of a soul: A sad poem by Somoy Shafi
The door of time is locked from inside O autumn leaves, become my bride I am little injured while sailing this boat My soul is bent And heart is broken I...
Abscess of time: A sad poem by Somoy Shafi
Where are you, O splendor? Where are you, O radiance? Where are you, O peace? Here is your poet locked up inside some wild shrubs Have you ever noticed? He has...
We are guru of all sorrows: A touching poem about Gaza
Across the valleys, what are those rallies? Some hold peace cards While others stage a live show of massacres Precision killing day and night Who won’t call this...
We’re now the city of death: A sad poem about Gaza
We are now the city of death Mortality is manufactured here in business grade Travel here not; you will rot With the size of population, we seem to be a nation...
Dear God: A sad poem about Gaza and Palestine
Dear god, here we are suffering a lot Foul storms often attack our dorms Wild smokes cover our sky and rob our mists Are you aware about all these beasts? We...
Death is here an inch away: A sad poem about Gaza
Death is here an inch away Don’t tell us stories about other maps and countries Here to exist with some breaths is a big deal How can we wonder about the...
One day we’ll own the dawn : A sad poem about Gaza
One day we will own the dawn You will see the midday will also belong to us Maybe now the tide is little rough Waves are being petty tough But who cares? You’ll...
“Time, to whom do you belong?”: An awakening Poem by Somoy Shafi for Gaza and Palestine
East, you belong to them North, you belong to them West, you belong to those Mediterranean guests Southeast or South, about your standing I doubt Time, to whom...