by Philosophy Park | Nov 21, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe
Dear God: A sad poem about Gaza and Palestine Dear God Dear god, here we are suffering a lot Foul storms often attack our dorms Wild smokes cover our sky and rob our mists Are you aware about all these beasts? We know you are all seer No doubt about your engine...
by Philosophy Park | Nov 21, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe
Death is here an inch away: A sad poem about Gaza Death is here an inch away Death is here an inch away Don’t tell us stories about other maps and countries Here to exist with some breaths is a big deal How can we wonder about the galaxies and all other stars?...
by Philosophy Park | Nov 21, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe
One day we’ll own the dawn : A sad poem about Gaza One day we'll own the dawn One day we will own the dawn You will see the midday will also belong to us Maybe now the tide is little rough Waves are being petty tough But who cares? You’ll see- Things will change...
by Philosophy Park | Nov 10, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe
“Time, to whom do you belong?”: An awakening Poem by Somoy Shafi for Gaza and Palestine Time, to whom do you belong? East, you belong to them North, you belong to them West, you belong to those Mediterranean guests Southeast or South, about your...
by Philosophy Park | Nov 5, 2023 | Gaza Grieves, Wall Of Woe
We hear you, O naughty clouds : A Wake-Up Poem by Somoy Shafi for Gaza and Palestine We hear you, O naughty clouds! We hear you, O naughty clouds! We hear you! You already have purchased the time So we became corpses without any reason and rhymes Hey siren, keep...
by Philosophy Park | Nov 4, 2023 | Wall Of Woe
I can’t sleep: A Soothing Poem by Somoy Shafi For Gaza and Palestine I can't sleep I can’t sleep with the agony of the breeze Even for the suffering of a dust, I face hardship to fall asleep I don’t know how the sky tolerates all these Every single pain moves my...