Welcome to our Human Garden, a sanctuary of expression where Thoughts, Wisdom, Poetry, Art & Beauty, Nature, and Soul all merge together in one place. Here, we celebrate freedom of expressions, cultivate love and peace, and serenade Beauty & Butterflies. Take a sip of our poetic soup: 

We are Transcendentalists, We are Poets, We are a new moral builder for humanity


Philosophy Park is a postmodern Practical School of Philosophy based on a series of hands-on doctrines that include living a harmonious and meaningful life with Nature, moderate Science & Technology, Wisdom, Poetry, Music, and Art & Beauty.

In other words, Philosophy Park is an Enlightenment Park that aims to restore Human Authenticity and promote Inner Peace and Art & Beauty. More significantly, it is a new space for Transcendentalists, Idealists, Poets, Singers, Artists, freethinkers, and all other future seekers. We describe ourselves as:

We are Transcendentalists

We are Transcendentalists. This is our true identity for sure. Idealism and poetry is in our hearts. But, our transcendentalism isn’t to channel and connect with any mystical, mysterious and magical things. We don’t even believe to close our eyes and enter into a surreal world by meditation while our mother nature offers almost the same thing in front of our eyes. Our transcendentalism is simply rhythms and rhymes as we breathe our world by the words of wisdom. Our transcendentalism is simply our lines and lyrics. We love trees and birds, so we channel with them with our poetic tones, we connect with them with our lines and lyrics. Because we can’t swallow anything that is so mundane and materialistic.

We are an oddball

This is our another true identity. We always swim against the tide. Nonconformity resides in our hearts. We strongly believe the world is not what is told, sung and praised for. So, we always pave the paths our own ways.

We are Authentic

This is our core value and device. We can’t grasp our everyday existence without thinking this. We know this human device is badly infected right now. So, we have designed a universal campaign to help people restore their authentic device.

We are Artistic

This is our another core value. We are always creative and inventive. We believe the only way to exist on the planet with significance and meaning is creating and building something for the humanity.

We are Aesthetic

This is another significant device to our lives. We strongly believe without Art & Beauty living a life is pointless. So, we always pursue beauty everywhere to our everyday lives.

We wanted to breathe freely freeing ourselves from all the poisons of hectic life, so we have designed-

transcendental village

We aren't lying; we have built our own Shangri-La here on Earth. We don’t know what paradises beyond this reality look like, or if they even exist at all. However, we wanted to give it a shot on our familiar Earth, using our own human skills and resilience available to us.

Seeking a right path of life?

Whether you want to live an examined life on a daily basis, or you are looking for a long road to discover your higher self and recognize your authentic genius, we can help you with your inner journey. We have instituted a postmodern Transcendental School, WISDOM IN THE WOODS, that will provide you all philosophical and moral tools you need for life.