Why Wall Of The Great Poets?
Poetry has always been our lifeblood—our way of breathing on this planet. And just as poetry shaped our existence, the great poets and their masterpieces have lived in our hearts and minds.
We dreamed of creating a garden where we could honor the poetic angels who profoundly influenced our lives. The journey was never easy, and we knew it wouldn’t be. But with unwavering dedication, we pursued this mission with heart and soul. We traveled the world, seeking the finest sculptors and artisans to bring our vision to life. After years of exploration, struggle, and persistence, we finally welcomed these Great Guests into our garden.
Who are these Great Poets?
Selecting the poets was no easy task. We never sought to recognize individuals in a conventional manner—this was never our goal. However, since our mission was to commission and sculpt ten legendary poets, we carefully chose ten visionaries whose words transcend time and space.
Dante Alighieri
Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Milton
Edgar Allan Poe
Emily Dickinson
Walt Whitman
Abul-Qâsem Ferdowsi Tusi
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī
Rabindranath Tagore
Want to see our guests in person?
We warmly welcome those who are deeply passionate about Poetry and Transcendental Art. If you are one of them, plan your visit and let us know in advance—we would love to share this experience with you.