Venue of Wisdom


Venue of Wisdom: Teaching on the Streets

Yes, it’s true—teaching people and sharing wisdom on the streets, much like the ancient Greek schools, has always been our passion. But time and space were not in our favor as we waited for the right moment and place. Finally, when the time was right, we seized the opportunity to create Venue of Wisdom, a space that sits right at a street corner—at the very front of our garden.


Why Life Box? Why Happiness box?


Who doesn’t want happiness? Who doesn’t want to breathe a life?

Philosophically, these are the two things every human being longs for. But how, where, and when can they be found? No one seems to know. If the path to life and happiness were clear, the world would be a very different place. Yet, in today’s hectic, rat-race-driven world, they are among the hardest things to attain—elusive, intangible, and certainly not available for purchase.

So, we took a different philosophical route to bring Life and Happiness to you. For years, we explored, reflected, and sought the best way to provoke thought and ignite souls. The result? Life Box and Happiness Box—a simple yet profound initiative. We crafted powerful lines and timeless wisdom, placed them inside these boxes, and set a simple goal: take one that resonates with you, let it spark your thoughts, and begin living.



How it Works


Our Venue of Wisdom consists of two Wisdom Boxes:

  • Life Box—filled with insights and reflections on life.
  • Happiness Box—containing wisdom on happiness.

Each box holds a collection of wooden plaques, each inscribed with a thought-provoking piece of wisdom. These are free and open to the public. Any passerby can take a plaque that speaks to them. However, we ask that visitors take no more than one at a time—allowing each moment of wisdom to be truly absorbed.