Breathe Now or Never

The world never stopped to stun us.


We were deeply shaken by the sight of this materialistic world that has stripped away our spirits and souls. Our concerns always revolved around morality, justice, and the perpetual failure of global politics to serve humanity. We remained constantly perplexed by the relentless Rat Race that dominated everywhere.

We felt ashamed and could never come to terms with the idea that the world belonged to those rat capitalists and pawnbrokers.

However, as idealists and transcendentalists, it was incredibly challenging for us to find solace amidst the materialistic and political turmoil. Furthermore, it was the relentless advancement of technology and devices that constantly stimulated our minds. While we were not opposed to Science and Technology, the aggressive proliferation of Technology & Devices became an enduring source of concern. We observed that the widespread use of Technology & Devices had somehow digitized the core values of human life, placing our time-honored essences under great threat. Social media and the cyber world emerged as additional culprits, robbing our souls and corrupting our inner selves.

Contemplating these horrors, we felt compelled to take action for the planet. We believed it was imperative to find a transformative approach that would cleanse the world of the poisons of materialism, politics, religion, and aggressive technology.

As a result, we launched the global movement “SHOT FOR SOUL” to help the world reclaim all the essential and authentic elements that shape human life.

Join our Soul Club, Morning Mystic, and receive the profound gift of a life-changing Mantra presented poetically every Friday.

Congratulations, human! You have successfully enrolled in our Hope Club.